Rehearsal Log

Log Book 

Friday 11th  Jan 

On Friday 11th of January we first started by looking at the different practitioners the first practitioner we looked at was  Stanslavoski in the lesson we learnt about the different ways in which approaches acting he believed that. Actor should really inhabit the role that they are playing. So the actor shouldn’t only know what lines they have but really take on their persona and habits, Of the character. Stanislavski as a director and practitioner whose productions where naturalistic.
For this I learnt to really understand my character and there motivations to do things. I tried to incorporate this into pronoun as I tried to understand the character of the mum. I also incorporate this as I played the character and take on her mannerisms. This was done as I tried to learn about the character posture and the way she would speak

Thursday 17th Jan

wed 30th Jan

On Wednesday the 30th of Jan we learnt about the character of Brecht. we learnt that Brecht was a German Practitioner who used a range devices to remind remind the audience that the performance isn't real life.  He tend to break the fourth wall which allowed the play to be interactive and allowed him to engage more with the audience. he would also use play card and coming out of role. this was used to show to the audience that it wasn't a naturalistic play and to help engage the audience, this was also used to tell the audience what the character is feeling

Wed 6th Feb

Steven berkoff was a practitioner who used physical theatre as well as mime. Physical there has a focus on movement rather than words to express ideas. It uses techniques such as mime, movement, gesture and dance and can be used to explore different issues.  In the lesson we watched a clip in which people whee acting act there struggles through dance.

Wed 13th

Artaud was born in Marseilles, France, in 1896 he founded Theatre cruelty, its aim is  to shock audiences through gesture, image, sound and lighting. Natasha Tripney describes how Artaud's ideas took shape, and traces their influence on directors and writers such as Peter Brook, Samuel Beckett and Jean Genet. One of the most influential theatre theorists of the 20th century and a key figure of the 


Friday Feb 28th

February 28th we got our scripts for pronoun and what we discussed was what scence we where going to take out. we also ran through our lines and read the scripts. we read through the whole scripts and focused on how we where going to play are individual charterers. In the play we played the charter of the mum and the dad. We first started by focusing on the first couple of scenes and I tried to analyse my charcter of the mum and how she would act in certain circumstances for this I tried to learn from my own mum and tried to pick up on the certain mannerisms that she adopts in order for me to play a more realistic character. I also decided that for the performance I would need to focus on what type of props and clothing would be needed for the performance. I decided that for the performance I would wear an old scarf female scarf and a black blazer coat which we will swap to show that we are different character and bring the character to life. I will achieve this all by studying my character learning my lines and planing in advance

Wed 20th March

On Wednesday 20th March we focused on scene one and four. within the rehearsal process helped those in scene one by giving feedback the feedback that was given was to learn lines and increase volume we  also worked on scene four within scene four we worked on


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