
Showing posts from June, 2019

Rehearsal Log

Log Book  Friday 11th  Jan  On Friday 11th of January we first started by looking at the different practitioners the first practitioner we looked at was  Stanslavoski in the lesson we learnt about the different ways in which approaches acting he believed that. Actor should  r eally inhabit the role that they are playing. So the actor shouldn’t only know what lines  they have but really take on their persona and habits, Of the character. Stanislavski as a director and practitioner whose productions where naturalistic . For this I learnt to really understand my character and there motivations to do things. I tried to incorporate this into pronoun as I tried to understand the character of the mum. I also incorporate this as I played the character and take on her mannerisms. This was done as I tried to learn about the character posture and the way she would speak Thursday 17th Jan wed 30th Jan On Wednesday the 30th of Ja...